Wednesday 11 May 2011

A letter to AS Media Students

Dear new AS Media Students, 
The purpose of my letter is to inform you as to the structure of your Media course and what you can expect to do in the way of coursework. As a fellow Media student, I feel that I will be able to provide you with an accurate and truthful insight into the ups and downs of commencing with Media Studies as an A Level subject. 

Firstly, and most importantly, is your coursework. For my task I was instructed to create a front cover and article page for a specialist magazine. The research that I instigated consisted of analysis of existing media products, different genre magazines and current popular magazine publishers. I needed to gain an insight into the way the magazine producing industry worked in order to establish an acceptable market launch of my product. Identifying where there were gaps in the market for new magazines to launch a new magazine was difficult due to the extensive range of magazines that are available. However, once the publishing details has been cemented, research into genre began. I decided to create a new health and beauty magazine for teenage girls as I had identified that most existing health and beauty magazines were aimed at a more mature audience. I found this target audience very easy to work with seeing as I could identify myself with the age group. I had a personal understanding of what I would like to see in the magazine, but also collected responses and opinions from others in my target audience in order to gain a broad outlook. Using my questionnaire results, I was able to establish the conventions of my magazine which enabled me to create an effective and successful piece of coursework. Production of the coursework was the element that I found the most entertaining. I used my creative skill to create draft after draft of magazine covers and articles until my teacher and I agreed that I had reached close perfection. 

It was important to me that I was able to express myself and my own interests through my coursework, and I feel that I have done that successfully. Your coursework is a valuable aspect of your overall AS grade so care must be taken not to abuse the time that you have to get creative. Media is undermined as an "easy subject", but I can assure you that at A Level, this is not the case. You have to work just as hard and input as much effort into your work as you would with every other subject. Every piece of research that you submit and every draft that you construct, help towards achieving that overall final grade. 

The exam, also of equal importance is prepared for in class time with group revision sessions. You are taught every Media term imaginable so that when you go into that exam hall, you know exactly what you are doing and how to get the marks. Under pressure, it can be very hard to concentrate of remembering all the Media terminology that is required of you. As long as you prepare yourself and understand what is expected of you in the exam, then you will surely come out on top. My exam consisted of close analysis and comparison of two advertising campaigns of current media items. The adverts are played a number of times, leaving you time to make any notes before you begin writing. Confidence is key. The endless pages of writing and wiping sweat from your brow shows signs of achievement, you must not be afraid to work yourself to the bone! It is important that you do well in your Media exam as it can have a significant effect on your overall grade. It is just as important that you achieve your full potential in the exam, just like you did with your coursework.

I assure you now that AS Media Studies is no easy ride. You have to work hard and push yourself to the limits if you want to achieve those high-end grades. Independence and creativity is vital. Examiners look for expression of personality in writing in order to offer those extra marks. You must be prepared to put in those extra hours in order to get the job done. I advise you to stick to your deadlines, you will be making your AS course a whole lot easier for yourself. 

I have expressed my opinion on the AS Media Studies course and tried to advise you in the best possible way, based on my own failures and successes. I hope that you consider my letter useful and I wish you all the best of luck in your progression through the course. 

                                                                     Yours Sincerely,
                                                                                              Eleanor Huggan

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