Tuesday 26 April 2011


Market Research

Information taken from http://business.pearlanddean.com/audience_profile

There has been a change in the purpose of cinema over the past decade with an increase in cinema exhibitors and popularity that, in turn increases profit and allows for a wide range of cinema sites to be created. 
The range of films available to view at the cinema has extended to vast numbers of different genre films than the usual Hollywood blockbuster. 
All this has helped to increase the diversity of audiences who visit the cinema. Film producers now have to work a lot harder to target particular audience types and ensure that their films receive acceptable recognition. 

The diagram above shows that audience profiles of young cinema goers and how film producers target their audience to receive the most response and profit. 
For example,
The graph above states that 52% of the population are female and 48% are male. The bar next to the 'Population' marked 'Cinema Audience' shows how much percent of the audience is made up of males and females. From the graph we can determine that women make up 53% of a cinema audience and men make up the remaining 47%. Although there is not much difference in the percentages of these results, if a film company were aiming to receive the most viewing numbers, it would make sense to aim their film at women as opposed to men as they make up the majority of cinema-goers. 
The graph also suggests that although ages 35+ make up 68% of the population, only 41% of those make up a total cinema audience. 39% of a cinema audience is made up of individuals aged 15-24, with the remaining 20% made up of individuals aged 25-34. There is not much difference in the percentages of those aged 35 and upwards and those aged 15-24. Therefore, film producers would find it ideal to make one of these groups their target audience in order to receive the most viewing numbers. Of course, films that target more than one particular type of age group are more likely to be more successful as the audience range is more extensive. 

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