Thursday 28 April 2011

Film Poster - Alternative Ideas

Here, I have moved the position of the text used in the previous posters to see if that will at all enhance the professionalism of the poster. I have also added a slogan into the poster which I feel fits the purpose of the short film, whilst not giving too much away. However, by tuning the photograph out to black and white and leaving the colour in the text I feel takes away the importance of the bridge and marks all attention towards the writing. 

Building on my previous idea, I have then used a focal black and white effect that not only draws attention to the bridge, allowing it to look menacing and dangerous, but it has also taken some of the attention off of the writing and focused it back on the imagery. Although I feel this is the best idea so far, I do not feel that the poster looks professional and realistic enough in order to successfully promote my short film. 

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