Monday 25 April 2011

Questionnaire Overall Results

1. Are you male or female?
As you can see from the pie chart, I made sure to ask equal numbers of males and females to ensure that the results of the questionnaire were representative of a fair and equal sample as men and women share different attitudes. 

2. How old are you?
The majority age of the people I asked to complete this questionnaire were 17-19 years old. This is because the target audience of my short film will be mainly this age group, although it will also be suitable to those of an older age. 

3. How many hours a week on average do you spend watching TV?
The majority of people we asked to complete this questionnaire watch 0-3 hours (6 people) or 4-7 hours (6 people) of TV a week. This shows that all of the participants of the questionnaire sample watch at least some TV each week. 

4. On average, how many films do you watch a week?
The results show that the majority of the questionnaire sample watch 1-2 films a week (10 people - half the sample). Every participant in the sample finds time in their week to watch at least one film, showing that watching films has become a part of everyday human life. 

5. What is the most recent film you have seen?

Remember Me, Kick-ass, Shutter Island, Inception, Up, Anchorman

These are some of the most common occurring answers for recently watched films that came up when this question was asked. The regular occurrence of these films may be due to the fact that they were recently broadcast on TV/bought on DVD, yet the results give an indication as to the types of films that my sample are likely to want to watch. 

6. What attracts you to a film?
The pie chart shows that a 'Good trailer' (6 people) is the most important aspect of drawing in viewers to a film, closely followed by a 'Famous acting cast' (5 people). However, all elements given in the question received votes from the sample, showing that people have different views as to what is most important to them when considering a film.  

7. What is your favourite genre of film?
According to the results above, 'Horror' is the most favoured film genre with 4 votes, closely followed by 'Comedy' and 'Chick Flick' each with 3 votes. Although the sample used in this questionnaire is not representative of the whole population, it does give a good indication as to the preferred genre of film for my target audience. 'Thriller', 'Crime', 'Action' and 'Sci-Fi' all received 1 voted from the sample used and will therefore not be considered when creating my own short film. 

8. What is your least favourite genre of film?
As shown in the results above, 'Sci-Fi' has been nominated as the most unfavourable film genre amongst the questionnaire participants with 6 votes to its name, swiftly followed by 'Romance' with 4 votes and then 'Action' with 3 votes. This tells me that I should ensure that I steer clear from these genre types when creating my short film in order to attract as many viewers as possible. 

10. Do you find it more effective in a film if the victim is a female and the villain is a male?
The pie chart above clearly shows that the majority of the sample used to answer this questionnaire feel that a film is typically more effective if the character roles follow the traditional role of the female being the victim and the male being the villain. When asked to comment on their answers, one participant wrote "I feel as though women typically make the better victims as they are able to express their emotions both vocally and physically better than males. Women are more likely to be sympathised with as they are seen as being weak and vulnerable, whereas men are seen as more domineering and powerful." Another wrote "It would be weird to see the roles reversed. Without sounding too morbid, it would take some of the drama and tension out of the storyline if the roles were reversed and the narrative would become less realistic. Like with superhero movies, the victim always seems to be the woman the hero is romantically involved with and the villain is always a male. I think males do villains justice as they are typically stronger and more power-hungry."

11. Are you more likely to be attracted to watching a film if the characters are around the same age as yourself?
In answer to this question, there was not a massive difference between the answers given. However, the majority stated that they would be more inclined to watch a film if the characters were of the same age themselves. One participant who answered 'Yes' claimed that "you are able to learn a lot more from a programme if there is a character within the narrative of whom you can relate to. Some people use films/programmes as a form of escapism from their everyday lives (uses and gratifications model) and will find it a lot easy to become more involved in the storyline if they have someone they can compare themselves to." However, one participant who answered 'No' to this question claimed 'It doesn't matter how old a character is in order for you to enjoy a film or programme. I think that the producers of the media piece are much more successful and skilful if they are able to get the audience to relate to any character, despite their age." 

12. Are you interested in watching films/programmes about tackling real-life situations?
The answer to this question as shown in the pie chart above is very much one-sided. 19 out of 20 people who answered this questionnaire stated that they were open to watching films/programmes about real-life situations, with only 1 person in 20 disagreeing. This suggests that creating a short film that tackles a circumstance that is rare but potentially could occur amongst the audience in everyday life will be a success over a wide audience. 

13. Do you prefer endings that are solved or left on a cliffhanger?
The results to this question indicate that the preferred ending to any media production piece is a cliffhanger. Cliffhangers allow producers to finish their production work without actually providing any type of conclusion to the narrative. Using this method leaves the audience wondering what happens next and thinking about the film long after the credits have stopped rolling (a film usually receives more recognition in this way). Film producers sometimes use cliffhangers if they wish to create sequels. However, cliffhangers can sometimes leave people feeling unsatisfied with how the story ends. Many people prefer closure on a story and dislike anything that leaves loose ends. Taking all this into consideration, cliffhangers seem more positively enforcing for films in order to grab and hold the attention of the audience. 

14. What do you find most effective in films that help to build suspense and tension?
'Music' has been deemed the most effective aspect that helps to build a films suspense and tension with 7/20 votes. Music helps to convey the feelings of the characters in their current situations without them actually having to tell you. Eerie music used in horror films help to emphasise the isolation and fear of the situation and helps the audience to feel exactly the same way the character does. The music builds up to an unexpected climax that leaves the audience with hearts pumping, clawing the edge of their seat. Slow-paced scenes comes in in second place with a total of 6/20 votes from my sample. Fast-paced scenes help to emphasise action and movement whereas slow scenes work to create resentment and hesitation. They are most suitable to horror films where the producer wishes to get adrenaline rushes round the viewers body.  

15. Are you most likely to watch films with other's or on your own?
The above bar chart shows that from the sample asked to participate in this questionnaire, the majority of the sample are more inclined to watch films in the company of other people (11 people) rather than on their own (9 people). This suggests that watching films has become adapted into everyday human life and is now considered a sociable event to do with friends. Horror movies tend to be a lot more scary when watched on your own whereas comedy films have been found to be more enjoyable when in the company of other people. The type of watching conditions is based entirely on the genre of film. 

16. Is there anything that you would deem inappropriate to show in a contemporary life (modern day) film?
The majority of the participants felt that there was nothing they would deem inappropriate to portray in a contemporary life film. However, 5/20 of those who completed this question felt there was some inappropriate material that should not be featured in a film. When asked to comment on their answer, one participant stated that "Some issues that are addressed in existing contemporary life films/programmes are harmful to the audience. Producers must ensure that they take a delicate approach to addressing sensitive issues in their media as individuals who have experienced similar situations or know someone who has experiences similar situations can take offence to material that is shown." Another participant suggested that "As long as help/advice is offered at the end of the media production to guide those who have been effected by what they have seen, then significant amounts of the scene can be shown." The footage shown must be suitable for the intended audience and must not exaggerate the situation. Implications of what is going on in the scene help to soft the impact that it has and this must be considered when creating my own short film around such a delicate subject. 

17. Would you watch a film based upon kidnapping/sexual assault of a young girl?
Following on from the intentions of the previous question, when my sample was asked if they would be happy to watch a film based upon a delicate and sensitive circumstance involving a young girl, the majority of them agreed. However, 6/20 of the sample asked would not like to view such footage. I must take into account that the situation I am addressing with my short film will not be to everyone's liking and that some people may disagree with the purpose of the film. However, the majority of the sample claimed that they would watch such a film which suggests that my idea would be a success amongst my audience. 

18. What certificate film are you most likely to watch?
When asked what certificate film my sample are most likely to watch, many opted for the highest ranking certificate (18) with 11 votes out of 20. Certificate 15 closely followed with 6 votes and Certificate 12 received 3 votes. However, Certificate U and Certificate PG received no votes from the sample. This suggests that the sample who answered the questionnaire like a film to have some risk to it that may be unsuitable to younger ages. Films are ranked on appropriateness for the content they behold. It can be assumed from the result that the sample like some inappropriate material included in films that they watch as they add more excitement and entertainment. 

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